"Man sheds 265 pounds by exercising, changing eating habits"
Love it. You just couldn't say it any better.
When was the last time you saw a headline that read:
"Man loses 265 pounds by taking miracle drug, blaming genetics"
"Woman drops 150 pounds by watching reruns, eating fat-free snack foods"
Okay, I'm not laughing, either. But since I know how repetition helps us to remember things, I'll type it one more time... in nice, big letters:
"Man sheds 265 pounds by exercising, changing eating habits"
This excellent article demonstrates a characteristic of nearly every person who becomes successful making a profound change in his or her life -- the Moment of Truth Experience.
Here's a man who allowed his weight to reach nearly 500 pounds by the ripe young age of 27, but only took action when he was awakened to the potential consequences of continuing his destructive eating habits. First, by stepping on an industrial-sized scale... then, by witnessing the effects of a friend's death.
Then, without the aid of drugs, pills, surgery or hypnosis, he proceeded to lose over 250 pounds -- more than half his previous body weight -- in less than three years. He did this by changing his eating habits and exercising regularly. Notice there's no mention of a restrictive diet or counting calories...
If he can do it, so can you. Read the full story and take it to heart.
I'd also like to call special attention to what it says about his interaction with the doctor who helped him get on the right track. Here's an excerpt:
All of the other doctors Blahnik had seen through the years had told him he needed to lose weight, but to no avail. It was different with Samundson. "He didn't scold me," Blahnik said.
"He had a different way of saying it. He said the same thing all the other doctors said, he just … said it differently. He talked to me like I was equal to him, like I was an actual person."
This is crucial. Treat people with caring and respect, and they will respond to you. This is one of the best lessons I have learned since I've been in the business of motivating people.
Great lessons in this one.
Read it.
Then read it again.
Take notes.
You can do it.
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